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Artículos Científicos
Sandoval, C.Y., Wagner, M.L. & R.A. Romeo. 2022. Estudio morfoanatómico de dos especies comercializadas como “topasaire” o “tupisaire” en la provincia de Jujuy, República Argentina. Dominguezia 38(1): 23-28
Martín C.M., Szlachetko D., Morales M, and M. Dudek. 2022. Pachygenium laurense, new orchid species from Argentina based on molecular and morphological evidences. PeerJ 10:e13433
Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A., Acuña-Castillo R., Henning T., Catari J.C and M. Weigend. 2022. Taxonomic revision of the peculiar genus Xylopodia (Loasaceae) with a new species from Argentina and Bolivia demonstrating an atypical trans-Andean disjunction. PhytoKyes 194: 47-62
Villalba M.S., Entrocassi G.S. & E. Martínez Carretero. 2021. Composition, structure and diversity of the arboreal vegetation of the Subtropical Mountain Forests or Yungas at the northern extreme of Argentina (Sierras de Tartagal, Alto Macueta and del Alto Rio Seco, Province of Salta). International Journal of Geobotanical Research (10): 45-74
Villalba M.S., Entrocassi G.S. & E. Martínez Carretero. 2021. Propuesta de restauración ecológica del bosque de Amburana cearensis (Allemao) A.C. Sm. en la Sierra de Tartagal, Salta-Argentina. Multequina 30(2): 227-245
Martín C.M., Guanuco A.V., Cortez V. & J.R. Verdú. 2021. First observation on the predation of a nonarthropod species by a dung beetle species: The case of Canthon chalybaeus and the snail Bulimulus apodemetes. PLoS ONE 16(10):e0258396
Romeo R.A. & G.S. Entrocassi. 2020. Floristic study and conservation value analysis of the Jordán river middle basin forest (Jujuy, Argentina). Mediterranean Botany 41(2): 149-161
Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A. & G.J. Scrocchi. 2020. Aa (Orchidaceae) of Southern Central Andes: Taxonomy, Nomenclature, and a New Species with Dark Flowers. Systematic Botany 45(4): 760–766
Tebbitt M., Reynel C., Huaylla Limachi L. & C.M. Martín. 2019. A taxonomic revision of Begonia veitchii (Begoniaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 77(1): 1-18
Martín C.M., Ospina J.C. & M. Tebbitt. 2019. Pollination of Begonia boliviensis in North West Argentina. The Begonian 86: 134 - 139
Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A. & G.J. Scrocchi Manfrini. 2018. The genus Myrosmodes (Orchidaceae: Cranichidinae) in Argentina. Nordic Journal of Botany 36(3): 1–7
Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A., & C. Ezcurra. 2017. A New Species of Oxypetalum (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from northern Argentina. Systematic Botany 42(3): 578- 583
Martín C.M., Panassiti B. & G.S. Entrocassi. 2016. Vascular species composition of a Yungas forest in the Jujuy province, Northwestern Argentina. Check List: The journal of biodiversity data 12(7): 1-30
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