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Artículos Científicos


Martín C.M., Szlachetko D., Morales M, and M. Dudek. 2022. Pachygenium laurense, new orchid species from Argentina based on molecular and morphological evidences. PeerJ 10:e13433

Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A., Acuña-Castillo R., Henning T., Catari J.C and M. Weigend. 2022. Taxonomic revision of the peculiar genus Xylopodia (Loasaceae) with a new species from Argentina and Bolivia demonstrating an atypical trans-Andean disjunction. PhytoKyes 194: 47-62

Villalba M.S., Entrocassi G.S. & E. Martínez Carretero. 2021. Propuesta de restauración ecológica del bosque de Amburana cearensis (Allemao) A.C. Sm. en la Sierra de Tartagal, Salta-Argentina. Multequina 30(2): 227-245

Romeo R.A. & G.S. Entrocassi. 2020. Floristic study and conservation value analysis of the Jordán river middle basin forest (Jujuy, Argentina). Mediterranean Botany 41(2): 149-161

Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A. & G.J. Scrocchi. 2020. Aa (Orchidaceae) of Southern Central Andes: Taxonomy, Nomenclature, and a New Species with Dark Flowers. Systematic Botany 45(4): 760–766

Tebbitt M., Reynel C., Huaylla Limachi L. & C.M. Martín. 2019. A taxonomic revision of Begonia veitchii (Begoniaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 77(1): 1-18

Martín C.M., Ospina J.C. & M. Tebbitt. 2019. Pollination of Begonia boliviensis in North West Argentina. The Begonian 86: 134 - 139

Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A. & G.J. Scrocchi Manfrini. 2018. The genus Myrosmodes (Orchidaceae: Cranichidinae) in Argentina. Nordic Journal of Botany 36(3): 1–7

Martín C.M., Zanotti C.A., & C. Ezcurra. 2017. A New Species of Oxypetalum (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from northern Argentina. Systematic Botany 42(3): 578- 583

Martín C.M., Panassiti B. & G.S. Entrocassi. 2016. Vascular species composition of a Yungas forest in the Jujuy province, Northwestern Argentina. Check List: The journal of biodiversity data 12(7): 1-30

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